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Monday, December 30, 2013

C Programming Tutorial | 1. Introduction

C Programming is a compiled programming language which means it needs a compiler to check the syntax error/s. We use CodeBlocks or Dev C++ or any easy programs for code editing, debugging and compiling.


  • A C-file should be saved with an extension .c
  • It can be saved anywhere but needs to be compiled.
  • You can edit the source code but cannot edit the executable files (.exe) or object file (.obj/.o)

#include my_header.h

These are the linking files or header files generally seen at the top of any c-programmed code. By # sign you give command to the preprocessor.
The angle brackets lets the preprocessor to find the file specified at the standard location.
The files within the double quotes means that it is located in the current directory where the file is saved or in the standard directory.

printf("some text");

Here printf is a standard builtin function that expects a string as value to output to the standard device.
Each statement should ed with a semi-colon.
The strings can be either in single quotes or in double quotes.

Data Types in C-program

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